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Press 2008-2012 | Submit ExpressOctober 18, 2012 – Submit Express has announced the following upcoming exhibitions:
IT'S A GOOD LIFE RADIO PROGRAM TRANSCRIPTS FOR 2016It's A Good Life radio program transcripts.
Pray, Talk To God, Lewis R. Woodard MinistriesAs Christians we have access to the Throne of God through prayer. Prayer is asking, faith believing, and trusting God with His answer.
Bible Study Help, Dr. Lewis R. Woodard MinistriesHere is a great resource for Bible study. At this site you will find the King James Bible. You will find notes from the KJV Defenders Study Bible, by Dr. Henry Morris.
PAST ARTICLESabortion, murder, euthanasia, mercy killing, emerging church, purpose driven church, rock music, hospice, contemporary christian music, contemporary christian worship, gospel, Jesus Saves
Dr. Woodard and Others Preach The Word, LRW MinistriesGod's Word preached by Dr. Lewis Woodard. Encouraging messages;Old fashioned preaching.
Pray, Talk To God, Lewis R. Woodard MinistriesAs Christians we have access to the Throne of God through prayer. Prayer is asking, faith believing, and trusting God with His answer.
IT'S A GOOD LIFE RADIO PROGRAM TRANSCRIPTS FOR 2016It's A Good Life radio program transcripts.
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